2014년 3월 20일 목요일

[Men's Hair] Neat & tidy hair style

Hello ​^^

Are you ready to greet the spring ??

The sunshine is very warm

I'm getting ready to ride a bicycle in the spring
It would be nice outing and exercise 

Although i don't ride a bicycle wearing a suit like that photo 
It is great and classical photo

I'll show you the men's hair which is the natural style of medium length 

Natural volume style
It looks neat and tidy
You'd better get a permanent straightening on the roots part if you have curly hair
On the other hand you'd get a volume perm if you have straight hair

This style is called usually "Jesus hair" in Korea
Because it is similar to his hair 

This style feels natural because it is gotten only hair essence

It is romantic and natural mens hair style of medium length

Pomade is trendy recently
So most people use the pomade 
But some people want natural style by hair essence 

Natural trend is coming ~~


His hair wasn't easy to care by thin and natural curly hair 

So he usually liked to tie the hair up

I gave him a square cut for his hair back over his ears 
And Two block cut on the Side and back under part hair 
Square cut is cutting to horizontality
Then fringe is getting long 
So it would be easier to hair back over his ears
Two block cut makes short on the side and back under part hair which is hard to care by natural curl 

I gave only his roots part hair straight by blow dry 

Evan H also had have curly hair 
I was able to have long hair because of the two block cut and permanent straightening

You can try to have long hair even if you got curly hair

Parting hair style which is neat and unique in the medium length 
You only need  to use hair essence 
Because the feeling of a romantic and natural curly hair is well expressed

He was satisfied with the new style 
And he was a little surprise !!!

Contact this Korea blog if you want to look more

Thank you for read^^

Gallery Sinsa
Evan H

2014년 3월 7일 금요일

[Men's hair] Evan H strongly recommend this shadow perm !! It is most basic and easy to care of men's perm style

How are you?
It is good weather outside after fine dust is disappeared in Korea
The wind is a little cold but the weather is getting warm
Spring is definitely  coming 

Maybe You will be going to the outdoor often

I'll show you the shadow perm which looks like a lovely man when you take a photograph in the spring

It's SWEETS which is designed by Evan H 
Shadow perm makes up for the weak points which is your head
By having this perm,
You can get a balanced volume and soft curl generally
Furthermore, you will definitely get lovely and luxurious hair which is men all dream of it
It is most basic and easy to care of men's perm style
I can guarantee that if you get a this perm 
You will captivate every women's heart 

It isn't too much curl
So it is very luxurious and natural 
And it is easy to care because of suitable curls

He can't even conceive the idea of have a permanent wave
Because his hair was bristly and thick 
so i recommended him to get shadow perm which is soft curls 
He was very satisfied with it due to this style 

Let's take a look at the Before & After 

His hair was bristle up and thick before he get a shadow perm 
But now as you see it's organized 
Because of his bristled hair, the upper part of his hair feels like squashed 
It wasn't easy to care and vague length because of thick hair
So i gave him a down perm where his side of the head
I adjusted balance according to the his oval face 
Even though he has wavy hair, look like neat and tidy 

How to do the down perm??

Permanent agents puts on the side hair roots part which is bristled  

But it returns original state again after getting down perm ?

If you dry your side hair regardless of the direction, the down perm  will be ineffective within 3 weeks
So you may dry your side hair like press head  from crown to cheek 
By doing it, the permed hair will  retain a few more, Even though your hair grows quickly 

 How to put wax styling  
First of all, you may dry your hair naturally ahead 
After then, you may put some wax on all hair first and twist the end of top part hair partially 

Do you like this style ?

For the natural wax styling is the men's basic style. 
Also, it steadily gains mens affection 

The straight hair and thick hair are hard to put wax . you know.
But some curl can make  easy to care  
Evan H strongly recommend this shadow perm !!
You can enjoy having this style with spring 

Contact this Korea blog If you want to look more

Thank you for read^^

Gallery Sinsa
Evan H