2014년 3월 2일 일요일

[Men's hair] Do you want new hair style for spring? Regent Volume style and hair cut

How are you?

I'm Evan H in Evanstyle where is the premium men's hair shop
I'm going to give you the men's hair style information
I hope this post is good information for you 

I'll show you the men's hair style what is the popular in the spring

Regent Volume style 

It looks more handsome and easy to care

Volume permanent wave 
It makes more volume on the top and back part hair of his head
and easy to lift your front hair (fringe)   
He looks very organized and tidy

He also looks cool 

How was his hair before???


I'm sure that his hair style can fascinate women
I gave him a solution by consultation about his hair trouble 

Let's look at the process of change his hair style  

- Hair cut first

- Doing the volume perm

He got a perm just on the top and back after having a hair cut
Because his side hair was pretty bounce up
So he needed to get a down permDown perm plasters the side hair

(down perm is a kind of perm in Korea)

Here is a main hall in Gallery Sin-sa 
The hall screen shows a video which is recent fashion show of the men 
It will attract your interest

How to hair style using wax

Just blow dry it first
and you have to stand front hair up by hair dryer 

You can make regent style by softly wax 
You have to put some wax on all hair first
and twist the end of top part hair partially  

Do you want new hair style for spring?

We are ready to make your hair style that suit you 

You can come in for our confidential , personalized service  

Thank you for read ^^

Gallery Sinsa
Evan H

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